Sayre Says: Broadway Shows

In honor of my recent trip to New York City, I decided to do a little blog about some of the more prestigious Broadway Shows. In my lifetime I have seen Chicago, Wicked and Phantom of the Opera on Broadway and Cats, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Joseph and his Technicolored Coat, and The Nutcracker (if you count that).

Most Fun (at least in my opinion)



I heard the talk. I walked the walk. And I loved every minute of it. Coming into the Gershwin theatre on Broadway was an experience… the theatre is decked out with an odd language. Words of Oz, I suppose. Miniature pieces of the set where placed as decorations. My boyfriend was even excited to see this performance.

Basically this is the backstory behind The Wizard of Oz. It doesn’t focus on Dorothy, but instead Elphaba, who you may know as The Wicked Witch of the West. I thought this was a very clever concept.

Long before Dorothy flew in, two other girls meet in the Land of Oz. Elphaba, born with green skin, is smart, strong-willed and misunderstood. Meanwhile, her college roommate Glinda is beautiful, ambitious and loved by all. However, this Oz is not so pleasant. The Wizard’s secret police are everywhere harassing Oz’s citizens – especially the animals (which have been threatened with exile). Elphaba, green and misunderstood, is determined to protect the Animals — even if it means fighting against the imposing Wizard and risking her one chance at romance. In the end, out of guilt and sorrow, she turns into the now infamous “wicked” witch.

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Sayre Says: Summer Movie Preview

Eeeee! It’s May. You know what that means? TIME TO PREP FOR AWESOME SUMMER MOVIES. Well, by awesome I mean epic. Normally how it goes is near the wintertime, the real gems come out just in time for Oscar season but the summer films are normally in favor to blow shit up (when was every single Transformers film released?)

Thanks Michael Bay.

To start us off, let’s discuss the movie everyone’s been talking about:

5. The Avengers

Release date: 5/4/12

With a solid 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, it seems as though the combination of the multiple superheroes pleases the audience and critics alike.

The storyline (from IMDb) states that,

“Nick Fury is director of S.H.I.E.L.D, an international peace keeping agency. The agency is a who’s who of Marvel Super Heroes, with Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When global security is threatened by Loki and his cohorts, Nick Fury and his team will need all their powers to save the world from disaster.”

Also… did anyone see that SAMUEL L JACKSON is in it? I’m sold. Going. Going. Gone.

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Sayre Says: 5 Reasons Why You Should Watch Cabin in the Woods

So this post is a little late, but maybe it will inspire you to rush to the dollar theatre or remind you later to buy this when it comes out on DVD. Cabin in the Woods was GREAT! You may be giving me an odd look if you’ve seen the trailers because a common opinion would be, “But it looked so cliche!”

That opinion is correct… and very incorrect as well. Let’s take a looksey at the trailer:

1. It IS cliche!

(Link of’s list of cliches… some of which are in this film)

The basic summery from viewing the trailer is this: group of teenagers take a trip to the middle of nowhere and get murdered. While sitting in the theatre I predicted the film would turn out to be a Texas Chainsaw/Friday the 13th mixer. What the trailer doesn’t tell you is that there is SO much more to this. The trailer states that “You think you know the story… but think again.” That statement isn’t played up enough. This trailer shows 1/10 of the plot from the entire film. It’s the tip of the iceberg. The cliche elements make the film enjoyable because it helps you (try) to predict what’s coming next. Another special thing that the filmmakers do is play up the horror stereotypes… and that gets fun.

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