Sayre Says: If Your Life Was A Movie Soundtrack

As I mentioned in the previous post, I am a huge fan of music in movies. When I hear a particular score that sticks out to me I keep notice (and then download it to add to my Study Playlist because classical music is the best to study to!)

This week I thought I would go with something different. Have you ever had a day where you were going to-and-from your everyday activities and all of a sudden this really awesome song comes on your iPod and you suddenly feel inspired? Now imagine if you had a soundtrack to your life…

That is what this post is! I’m going to take you through an average day and add a theme song from a film to it. So, next time you need to feel a little jump start, play one of these:

10:30am: WAKING UP! (Hey, I’m allowed to sleep in)

Pride and Prejudice

Mmmm. (If I could have this whole song as my alarm without bothering my roommates, I definitely would). Imagine yourself deep in sleep, dreaming in a wonderful world of imagination. You are relaxed. Happy. Asleep. The slow piano in the introduction is the definition of that. Imagine that it’s spring time (imagine reeeeally hard, Ohioans) and that you’re just now waking up and you are about to have a truly busy and successful day…


Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

You’re up! Now to begin your day… What better way to prepare yourself than this epic theme song? Even the most difficult of tasks (what to wear, which breakfast food you should eat, or whether to floss or not) you suddenly feel as though you can conquer anything!


2001: A Space Odyssey (Also Sprach Zarathustra)

Great. It’s time for class. This class is not any regular class, but a class with a TEST. How else shall you mentally prepare yourself other than THE MOST EPIC SCORE EVER?? Just picture it now: you are in front of the classroom building… you see a set of stairs connecting you with the door… one… by… one… YOU ARE READY! Not only will you be able to pass this test but you’ll probably take over the world soon after.



Sigh… it’s test time. Alright… focus… Focus… FOCUS. Remember the name, the date, the information, the history behind it. You are digging deep within your mind to find the perfect (and correct) answer. It’s a tad bit more difficult than you had predicted, but you’ll come around. Just… keep… digging. Almost there! Almost done with the test! MUST RECEIVE AN A!


E.T.: Extra Terrestrial

That’s it! You’ve turned in the test and you breathe a sigh of relief. As you exit the classroom, you are hit with a ray of sunlight. A lunch sounds splendid and the weather is beautiful. You don’t even feel like walking fast because you want to enjoy and soak up the day. As you enter the café, you smile and wave at friends and continue to have the best lunch you’ve ever.


The Holiday

Mmmm. That lunch was scrumptious. While walking down the sidewalk, you receive a text from a good friend. You decide to meet up and chat outside on the Oval. The weather has become a little cloudy, but you feel as though nothing can rain on your parade. You catch up on life and experiences you both have shared while apart from each other. You laugh and joke together and suddenly you become aware that the time went past so fast that it’s time to say goodbye… And just at that moment…


The Social Network

Those clouds were saying something. Not only do you have to part with a great friend, but it’s now raining and you have to sprint back home. As you rush back, you begin to reflect on the test that you took earlier in the day. A once confident answer you jotted down now becomes fuzzy… you begin to second guess yourself and begin to worry. Realization hits of the importance of the test and you race in to check your grade…


Star Wars

THE SKY IS CRYING OUT OF JOY! Your hard work paid off and all you want to do is dance in the rain! You continue to stare at the high percentage of the grade and your grin is from ear to ear. With all of this energy you might want to…

5:30pm: WORK OUT!


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True Romance

Great workout. Now the next thing that you need to be working is the cafeteria. A growling stomach is no friend of mine. After an intense workout you just want to mellow out and enjoy a good hearty meal. Finishing up, you head back to your house with a positive attitude and you are (somewhat) ready to study!

8:30pm: HOMEWORK!

The Notebook

(I don’t know about you, but when I study, I listen to romantic, happy, peaceful pieces). You drone out the stress and worries of the world and snuggle up with a blanket as you re-read your notes. It’s been a long day with it’s ups and downs. You continue to look forward to sleep (and the upcoming weekend, of course). You send out a couple texts to your friends planning a fun night in the future and you almost want to doze off…

10:00pm: ZZZZZZZZZ!

The Dark Knight

Yep, you did it. You fell asleep while studying. I’m almost disappointed in you falling asleep this early (or slightly jealous). Your dreams are a mix of stress, worries, expectations, and hopes. The weather outside begins to storm. It’s almost as if you can hear the thunder in your dreams… While you lay in slumber, you once again have that feeling of inspiration. That this is your time to pull the reigns. You are young and it is YOUR world to conquer. If you set your mind to something and try hard enough, maybe luck can come your way. This is your chance. Take the reigns…

And that, my friends, is how music inspires.

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